Giuliano Tosi Master Glassmaker Murano

Master Giuliano Tosi, born in 1942, hails from a lineage steeped in glassmaking tradition dating back to 1483. His journey with glass began at the tender age of 12, under the tutelage of Master Albino Carrara. Recognizing Tosi's burgeoning mastery, Carrara gifted him his corteo, an essential glass-cutting tool, symbolizing a rite of passage and an honor Tosi cherishes to this day.

Tosi's expertise extends beyond traditional techniques, evident in his introduction of the external sbruffi technique in furnaces, a method enhancing color vibrancy and variation. His works have graced galleries worldwide, including Milan's Fashion District, Chicago, New York, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, marking him as a significant figure in Murano's glass history over the past six decades.

His talent for creating art glass pieces has attracted commissions from luminaries such as the Pope, Julia Roberts, Michael Douglas, Victoria Adams, and her husband, among others. His collaboration with Vittore Frattini in 1999, transforming "Globe" paintings into glass globes, stands as a testament to his skill, fetching upwards of $9,000.

In 1973, Tosi established his own glassworks studio, showcasing his versatility in creating both robust and delicate compositions. His preference for classical styles is informed by visits to museums across Italy and Europe, enriching his work with historical techniques' adaptations. His collections, known for their clear and precise color choices, embody Murano's traditional methods like Filigrana, Zanfrico, and Reticello, all innovatively adapted to contemporary tastes.

  • Louis moreno
    Jan 01, 2023 at 22:10

    I have two signed by Maestro Tosi -The Lovers black with Gold fleck -Love it

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