- February 2025
- November 2024
- October 2024

Vincenzo Eulisse, (Venezia, 1936 - 2024) was a painter, sculptor, and performer renowned for his provocative approach and his continuous stylistic evolution. His career took off in 1958 with a sol...

Ezio Rizzetto (1917-1997) was an Italian glass designer known for his association with the Galliano Ferro glassworks, established in 1955 by Galliano Ferro after he left the Arte Vetraria Muranese ...

Francesco Badioli, born in Venice in October 1969, is the son of the esteemed "Maestro" Mario Badioli. He began his apprenticeship at the age of twelve, working under the tutelage of his father, Ma...

Born in Cleveland in 1941, Fritz Dreisbach is a pivotal figure in the studio glass movement, holding four degrees, including a B.A. from Hiram College (1962), an M.A.T. from Oberlin College (1963),...

Born in 1958, Wes Hunting's journey into glass art was serendipitous rather than premeditated. Despite a general passion for creativity, including visual arts and music, Hunting had no initial spec...

Bibi Smit, nata nel 1965, è un'artista olandese la cui opera indaga i pattern, i ritmi e i colori del movimento nella natura. Il suo processo creativo si concentra sulla relazione tra i fenomeni na...

Anna-Kaisa Kukkonen-Madi is a Finnish artist specialising in glass. Born in 1964, her philosophy is based on respecting the original character of glass. During the design process of a glass sculptu...

By Michela Poli It becomes heterotopia the space that opens up to the other, a place that can encompass all other places in its essence. A container becomes a journey among possibilities, a magica...

Harvey Littleton's influence on the world of glass art is immeasurable. His program at the University of Wisconsin served as a nurturing ground for a generation of talented glass artists.

Tobias Møhl (1970 - Present) - A Renowned Danish Glassblower Mastering Venetian Techniques

William Morris, a glass sculptor, was born in Carmel, California, in 1957. He embarked on his artistic journey at the Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood, Washington, where he worked as a bus driver...

Bryan Randa is an American glass artist distinguished for his expertise in lampworking and off-hand glass blowing techniques. He initiated his career in glassmaking following an unexpected visit t...

Vincenzo Moretti's life was marked by a deep passion for glassmaking and a strong commitment to artistic innovation. Born in Murano, Italy in 1835, he grew up in a family of glassmakers, with his ...

Cleto Munari was born in Gorizia on June 7th, 1930. His career as a designer began in the 1970s, when his encounters with important figures in the world of architecture ignited his passion for ar...

Vicente José de Oliveira Muniz, known as Vik Muniz (São Paulo, December 20, 1961), is a Brazilian artist. He continuously experiments with new methods and materials. He is best known for creating ...

Monica Bonvicini, an Italian artist born in Venice in 1965, has gained international recognition for her work in performing arts and sculpture. As a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna...

Chinese artist (b. Beijing 1957). Son of poet Ai Qing, in 1978 he founded the avant-garde group Stars, known for its thoughtful and socially critical works.In his career he has used a variety of me...

Jaume Plensa is a Spanish artist who creates sculptures and installations exploring human connection and spirituality. He collaborated with Berengo Studio, an Italian glass-making studio, to creat...